Friends, in a blogosphere cramped by barely literate fans fawning over celebrities and barely literate celebrities pandering to fans, there’s a wide open world indeed waiting in weblogs like At Home, Writing.Even more delightful was discovering the Readers and Writers blog itself, an excellent venue to bring readers and writers together. To have found a place in his blogroll--which features Bernita's brilliant and classy An Innocent A-Blog--is indeed an honour for me.
Thank you, Sid. For taking At Home to the world.
That sounds great. At any rate, you are among the best, in my book.
We should be thanking you, Bhaswati, for giving us such excellent writing. And thank you also for your kind words about Readers and Writers Blog.
What a wonderful review, Sury. You deserve every word. Congratulations!!!
Dear One, the honour is mine to be in your company.
As I said on Sid's blog - you are treasure for the mind.
What a great review. Congrats, sury!
Thank you, thank ((((you all)))).
That's great, Sury. I do love stopping by. :-)
Why, thank you, Oni! The same goes for your blog, too. :)
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